In the journey of life, with its sorrows, difficulties, joys and ease, we find ourselves waiting for victory, support, and empowerment.
But, in reality, we don’t get it, because as soon as we achieve a certain goal, our desire to reach the next goal starts. Life goes on and dreams never end.
When is the victory?
How do I know what my status is in the sight of the Creator?
How do I get His satisfaction?
I found the answers to these questions when I learned that victory may not come here in this life, and if it comes, it will come temporarily.
If hearts are purified from everything that is worldly, and their only goal is to please the Creator, then comes the victory, but it may not last long.
I know my status in the sight of the Creator when I worship Him alone and do not attribute a son, nor any human or animal characteristic to Him, that are not befitting of His majesty, as embodiment is a sign of defect and imperfection (weakness, need, poverty, humiliation, etc).
I know my status in the sight of the Creator when I do not resort to asking any of His creation when I am in need, such as a priest or a saint, or any idol or stone, or any of His prophets or one of their family members.
I know my status in the sight of the Creator when I believe in all His prophets from Adam to Muhammad, including Jesus Christ and Moses, peace be upon them all.
A person’s value in the sight of his Creator is measured by the extent of the perception that this person puts in his heart about the Creator, which results in feelings, emotions, reactions, and actions of varying degrees according to how much he glorifies the Creator in his heart.
We all face similar situations in this life, and we must choose carefully and pay attention to what we voice out loud.
Do we always repeat the name of the Creator on our tongues or other names based on our worldly interests and whims?
Do I defend the right of a soccer player or singer, or the right of the Creator of the soccer player and singer?
Do I defend the freedom of press and journalists first, or the right of the Creator of the journalists?
Do I defend the right of land created by the Creator first or the right of the Creator of the land?
Do I consider a relative or friend first, or consider the Creator of the relative and friend?
The status of a human being in the sight of the Creator is where their priorities lie.
Urgent journey and sublime goal:
A French child once asked me:
What is the purpose of life?
I said to him:
The purpose of life is to recognize our Creator.
He said:
Is there a Creator?
I said:
Modern science recently spoke about the existence of an intelligent superpower who gave the first trigger to the (Big Bang) which caused the existence of the universe. It is what the believer identified as the Creator.
Nothing comes from nothingness.
Modern science also spoke recently about an end point of the universe, the (Big Crunch), which is what believers identify as the Day of Judgement.
The existence of the Day of Judgment means that the criminal will be held accountable for his crimes, and the benefactor will be rewarded for his good deeds.
This life has no value without the Creator.
The child said:
How can we recognize the Creator then?
I said to him:
Human life is an urgent mission on planet Earth. In this task the life of a human being is a series of decisions he makes in every minute of this life starting from his puberty, for which he will be held accountable after death by his Creator.
If a person is not preoccupied with the task for which the Creator created him, which is to recognize Him through having a direct connection with Him, then he will invent a task of his own.
As a soccer player for example, whose fitness is the core of his mission, he follows a strict regimen of training and food in order to achieve a higher goal for him, which is to get the trophy.
He doesn’t care about all the difficulties he faces, because his primary focus is on achieving his goal, which is to win the cup.
A soccer player in the Mondial knows the answers to four questions:
Where he came from?
Why did he come?
Where does he return?
What is the motto of his mission?
The same is the case in the Mondial of life.
The motto of a person in the Mondial of life should be:
We tolerate what we hate and resist what we like.
Whoever wants to steal because of his need for money, for example, must resist his desire and resort to working to earn money, which is the responsibility he wanted to avoid. Whoever wants to cheat his friend must be honest with him, even if his friend wronged him. Whoever wants to have a relationship with a girl outside marriage must resist his desire and marry her, as marriage is the responsibility he wants to avoid, and so on.
This resistance is what gives a person his humanity. If he does not control his desires for him and submits to them, he will be stripped of his humanity for him and become a worshiper of his desires for him. A person must be in control of his desires about him in order to prove his humanity about him.
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